Scholarship criteriaThe Steve Case Memorial Scholarship is open to college bound seniors from Racine Unified School District (RUSD) who have achieved a varsity letter in a minimum of any one sport during their four years of high school athletics. The senior must have exhibited a strong work ethic and devotion in the classroom, and in their community. Special consideration may be made for those entering the teaching profession. Applications will be available to RUSD high school students in 2023 for the 2022-2023 school year.
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Your tax-deductible donations help students!We so appreciate your gifts that help students. Teacher/coach, Steve Case was a huge advocate for young people furthering their education. Thank you for helping to support his mission! The Steve Case Memorial Scholarship Fund is a nonprofit and is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3)
EIN: 47-1639505 |